
Thursday, October 12, 2006

Quotes from George Clooney

There's no connection between al-Qaeda and Iraq.

We moved away from what we were going after which was the al-Qaeda and there's no connection between al-Qaeda and Iraq, which we know, we spent a lot of time trying to prove it and it didn't happen. And we're going to go into a war and we're going to kill a lot of innocent people.

We're picking on people we can beat.

[The above comments were made by George before Bush, Blair and Howard’s invasion and subsequent occupation of Iraq.]

The government itself is running exactly like the Sopranos and they sit back and they make deals. And they say okay, 'I'm going do this: France, you're getting the pipelines.'

Run for office? No. I've slept with too many women, I've done too many drugs, and I've been to too many parties.

I don't care. Charlton Heston is the head of the National Rifle Association. He deserves whatever anyone says about him.

After doing One Fine Day and playing a pediatrician on ER, I'll never have kids. I'm going to have a vasectomy.

Do you want the truth or the politically correct version? The truth is that I go plastic, it's so much easier. And I like to put the bags over my head at night when I sleep, which I think all the kids at home should try. Kidding!!

I don't believe in happy endings, but I do believe in happy travels, because ultimately, you die at a very young age, or you live long enough to watch your friends die. It's a mean thing, life.

I don't like to share my personal life... it wouldn't be personal if I shared it.

I grew up in the world of bad television, on my dad's sets and then as a young schmuck on dating shows and so on.

I resolve not to drink liquids before donning the Bat-suit.

I'd think, in a relationship, we should never have his kind of fight.' Then, instead of figuring out how to make it work, I looked for a way to get out of it. The truth is, you shouldn't be married if your that kind of person.

I'm a Method actor. I spent years training for the drinking and carousing I had to do in this film.

I'm only two years older than Brad Pitt, but I look a lot older, which used to greatly frustrate me. It doesn't anymore. I don't have to fit into that category and get trounced by Tom Cruise and Brad.

I'm really white trash.

I'm the flavor of the month.

People thought I was Tom and Nicole's bodyguard. They'd come up and go, "Is it okay if I go up and ask for an autograph? It was good. I'd charge 'em three bucks a person. Yeah, you gotta make some money off of that."

The funniest thing is that all the things every director goes through, I thought I could shortcut, but there was no getting around those issues.

The only failure is not to try.

They say I was a bad Batman, that it was my fault, that I buried the franchise. But the truth is, it was a big project. I was pretty intimidated in that world. I did the best I could in the situation I was given.

When you're young you believe it when people tell you how good you are. And that's the danger, you inhale. Everyone will tell you you're a genius, which you are not, and if you understand that, you win.

You have only a short period of time in your life to make your mark, and I'm there now.

You make a lot of films, do you? You make a lot of films yourself? Yeah, I'd like to see you make a film first before you get to talk about it. What a jerk.

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