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Saturday, May 04, 2024

'Unshocked': Naomi Klein vs the “ideological shackles of Zionism"


Naomi Klein and Mehdi Hasan

In a conversation with Mehdi Hasan for her new contributor segment at Zeteo, called “Unshocked,” Jewish activist, academic, and author Naomi Klein calls for an “exodus from the ideological shackles of Zionism.” 

Naomi also reacts to Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu comparing student protesters at Columbia University to Nazis, telling Mehdi that when it comes to Netanyahu, “there is nobody more adept at exploiting Jewish trauma, historical trauma, and turning it into a political weapon for his own advantage.” Mehdi also opens up to Naomi about why he decided to boycott the White House Correspondents Dinner. “I can't call out what Israel is doing to Palestinian journalists with American-made bombs and then go to a fun, comedy-type dinner with the President of the United States — who's not just responsible for that, but is also not even acknowledging it,” Mehdi told Naomi.  In 2007, Naomi wrote “The Shock Doctrine,” a book that explains what happens when a national crisis throws citizens into a state of shock and how the powerful exploit those moments. Although it may be one her most popular books, Naomi tells Mehdi that she dreams of a day where the Shock Doctrine will no longer be relevant, where people can stay grounded even in times of chaos.  Look out for “Unshocked” with Naomi Klein every month, where Naomi and Mehdi will provide deeper analysis on current events, religion, politics, ideology, and more. "'Unshocked': Naomi Klein vs the “ideological shackles of Zionism"

Founded by Mehdi Hasan, Zeteo has a strong bias for the truth and an unwavering belief in the media’s responsibility to the public. Unfiltered news, bold opinions. For more content from Zeteo, subscribe now"

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