I was listening to the radio the other day when news came on about David
Hicks' appearance at the kangaroo court in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. I thought
the best journalists in the country would be discussing the unjust court
setting he was appearing in. Perhaps I set my expectations too high. Instead
of descriptions of the conditions under which he was being tried being
described it was like listening to the spring fashion show. Ninety five
percent of the bulletins were about what he was wearing, what he looked like
and how he spoke. The remaining five percent was on the fact that two of
his three defence council were kicked out of the court by the judge. This
got me thinking. What I came up with was what I want call the 'politics of
convenience and liability.'
If you cast your mind back there are hundreds of cases where someone or some
nation was at first a convenient 'friend' who, in the minds of those in
power, later became a liability. The first one to spring to my mind, given
my Judeo-Christian heritage, was Jesus.
He burst on the scene and was, at first, considered little more than a
nuisance. As time went by the leaders of his nation saw him as a lightening
rod who could deflect away some of the hassles the Romans were giving them.
However, it didn't take long for them to realise that he was a challenge to
the very power structures that kept them well fed, well paid and in the
governor's good books.
By the time he'd upset just about all the power structures around him he was
considered a liability and so, in the name of convenience, was handed over
to a kangaroo court lauded over by a weak and immoral man who was persuaded
to make an example of him. The rest of the story we will hear next week in
churches all over the land. What about contemporary examples of the politics
of convenience and liability?
Back in the nineteenth century the US had just about bought up all of Cuba.
The little island just off Florida's coast was proving rich pickings for the
cashed up US companies who enjoyed low cost labour, cheap prostitutes and
fine sunshine. It was a political arrangement that proved very convenient
for many powerful men at the time. However, a rich media magnate, William
Randolph Hurst had other plans. Keen to prove his own and his mate's
powerful reach, Hurst used his media power to invent a war.
The Spanish influence in South America was seen to be waning and so the time
seemed ripe for a fight. Hurst used his press to whip up domestic fear of a
huge, but fabricated, Spanish armada anchored just off the US coast. When
there were no facts to back up his claims, he invented them. When there was
no aggression, he made up inflammatory claims and credited them to the
Spanish. In short he created a politics of convenience to suit the aims of
imperial US power.
After the so called "liberation of Cuba" things on the tiny island began to
change. But not as the US had expected. Economic developments and imperial
demands began to backfire and within 50 years Castro came to power on the
back of various revolutionary movements. The US did not really know or
understand the revolutionary mindset and eventually Castro was ostracised
and turned into a liability as was his nation. In a climate of fear, whipped
up in a cul-de-sac of ignorance, lies and fear mongering, President Kennedy
approved the Bay of Pigs invasion and set the CIA to the task of carrying it
out. The transformation of Cuba and Castro from convenient friend to
political liability was complete and remains alive today.
Moving back into Australia's region of the world, we find another example of
spin being used to justify war and truth turning a convenience into a
liability. The Vietnam War was a direct result of domestic US political spin
used to justify the most horrific war of the last century. The French
retreat from the peninsula left a "Western" vacuum in the region and using
the guise of the "communist threat" the CIA conspired to find an incident to
justify their political and business master's desire for war. Using the
fictional "Gulf of Tonkin Incident" to justify an invasion, US President
Johnson launched a "scorched earth" war on the Vietnamese.
The US media swung behind "our boys" but it was a few brave journalists who
began to expose the lies and do the body counts. As the news got out that
the war was being lost and tens of thousands of US "boys" were dying the
convenience of the war in stocking the coffers of the military industrial
complex, became a liability. The shocking pictures of mutilated, burning
bodies, the films of wounded and dying US troops and the public backlash
they created pushed the US and it's allies to withdraw. A convenient war,
when exposed to the truth, became a political liability.
So what does this have to do with David Hicks? Well, just a few short years
ago he was being referred to by our political leaders as a "terrorist" who
had no name and was, therefore, referred to as "that man." He was branded a
traitor who should be locked up for the rest of his life. The more extreme
among us called for him to be put to death.
Yet, in the intervening five years since his arrest - captured and handed
over while retreating to a safe place by the very forces "our boys and
girls" are now fighting in Afghanistan - he was sent to the gulag we know
as Guantanamo Bay. In that five years the most powerful nation on earth and
it's sycophantic Australian minions, have not been able to find a single
crime that he has committed. Not being prepared to let that stand in their
way, they made up a crime, custom fitted it to match the spin they had
created and back dated it in order to justify the unjustifiable.
The growing public outcry over this kangaroo court meant that Hicks, once a
political convenience to justify the imaginary "war on terror", was fast
becoming a liability to the political future of the Howard government. As
the scheming, lying, corrupt pack of thieves that make up our government was
unravelling, they needed a diversion. So Hicks, once more, became a
convenient excuse to divert our attention from the Howard government as it
falls apart under the strain of its own internal bickering over the spoils
of power.
Hicks, once a convenient focus of hatred as a "traitor", who then became a
political liability as we realised his treatment was unjust, has now become
a convenient distraction from the politics of destruction rife within the
Howard government. However, it could all unravel as the unjust system plays
out its course. Having no evidence of any crimes, the US court will, in a
day or two, get Hicks to stand up and "confess" a litany of crimes he has
supposedly committed.
Whether he will remain a convenient excuse or become, once more a liability,
will be revealed in what he says and how is treated once he as said it. Like
so many before him, and it is no consolation to him or his family at
present, history will show truth and justice to be on his side and how the
politics of convenience and liability were used to destroy him.
Alternative Radio (Aust)
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